Monday, September 10, 2007

Chump... Located (Corrected)

looking for chump 01

Horray! The Actual Chump with Russ has been located in the crowd! The above pic has Chump and Russ somewhere in it. See if you can find them.

After the original post, Z brought to my attention that I found the wrong "me". I thought I was wearing a black shirt with my red Budweiser hat and I foolishly found the wrong person. I am embarrassed, but nonetheless I'm still in the picture. However, in my defense, the person I originally thought was me is wearing almost the same exact attire, sans Russ.

If you need help, you can click here.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

where in the world is JHo?

while at the NNCS bristol night race, T and i decided to try to find JHo and Chump in the crowd. this is a bit of a daunting task considering the enormous amount of people who attend the night race, but i was up for the challenge. i knew approximately where JHo was and T called him to have him wave his indians jones hat to help. after several unsuccessful attempts, being dejected, i took a final pic and as i was putting the camera down, out of the corner of my eye i saw his bright yellow shirt on the view screen, but as i said i was putting the camera down. it happened so quickly i couldn't find him precisely again, but i had a more refined search area, so i turned to my GRAW2 training... "spray & pray". i just took loads of pictures of the vast crowd in the now more specific area to analyze later. after all, this was a bristol race, and i had drinking to do and racing to watch.

today, i analyzed the pix, and wouldn't you know it. out of the 20 or so pix i took, only 2 or 3 were clear, and i actually found him in two of those three. fancy. so here's the pic. try to find him (HINT: he's wearing a bright yellow shirt and looks downtrodden, he'd taken off his indian jones hat at this point). you can click on the picture to see a larger version for better hunting. if you can't find him, you can click here where i circled him. you can see them in order, left to right: leslie, chuggie, chug, and JHo.

i tried the same thing with ChumpAss, but he thinks the scoring pole was DIRECTLY in our way (what luck). again, i did my "spray and pray" technique, so now i'm just waiting to hear back from him as to some landmarks, sections, rows, etc. maybe i can do the same for him. i love my canon S2 IS.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Good and Hot

that is not a sexual blog i am starting. good week. got chug and chug down for the bristol race, along with leslie.
here is the rv we went down with. frank's rv was pimped out.

we set up shop and started the washer games. they continued most of the week.

Wednesday was the truck and hooter's pro cup race (a lot of cautions). it was fun, though, because we were all drinkin' and there was general admission so all the btown folks got to sit together.

we hit the jd tent at 9:30 am saturday. that was the jd day. and, like z, i got my picture taken with clint bowyer.

after the jd tent, we saw the old spice girls

and z got hit by jimmy johnson (not chump's cousin)

of course, z and i ended up back at jd. drinking more jd.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bristol Fans Pour Out of BMS

This video was taken following Friday night's Food City 250 Busch race as fans pour out over the bridge connecting BMS to Earhart parking and campground. I was shooting this video next to a ticket scalper selling tix to Saturday night's cup race. If you listen closely to the audio, you'll hear someone ask if he's selling tix to "tonight's Busch race." The scalper replies that he is is and will offer him a good deal of half price.

Bristol 07 Night Race Pano's

We here at The Bristol Experience love pornographic pics... er, I mean panoramic pics. Here a few we captured over the race week. (Click for full size)
crowd participation pano

Crowd participation during the Star Spangled Banner


Crowd participation promo for Sprint Million and Sharpie

2007 annual fall pano (NNCS)

Annual Cup daytime pano from turn 3


Another Cup pano after dark from turn 1


Earhart Campground from high atop BMS


Ye Olde Camper

bristol pix 2007 night race

It took a while but, I've finally found an internet connection I can upload photos through. They've been uploaded and here are some highlights from my cam.

Here, BTVJGJHo gets buddy-buddy with Smoke. Aren't they so cute together?

Here I'm imitating Tony Stewart's Old Spice "monkey pose", as I call it. You can see why I call it that in this Old Spice commercial when Tony is being interviewed (0:20)... he looks like a monkey.

Here's some fellas JHo and I saw in the JD tent. I saw the Toyota shirt but didn't get it. I know a lot of NASCAR fans don't like Toyotas in the cup, but why was the Toyota symbol upside-down? I had to know, so I asked for a picture and an explanation. I got this pic, and was told he doesn't like Toyotas in the cup, and he didn't realize the symbol was upside-down, the shirt was free.

I saw this kid at "RaceDay" where NASCAR commentators and drivers get together and televise a show before the race. He was walking around in the crowd with this sign, and I HAD to get a pic, since i don't like gordon either. His mom or someone told me she wished he'd just get rid of it. I say, keep fighting the good fight.

here's T with his new friends, amy and scott, i believe, at the NNCS race.

T, you have to upload that pick we sent to wake Russ up. The guy behind us wanted an 8"x10", so he might be checking daily for it. go, go, go.

And JHo, talk to Leslie about getting that pick of me under the 48. That was a good pic.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Me and Clint Bowyer

Well, not really. BTVJGJHo, his dad, brother, and sister-in-law all went to the Jack Daniel's (JD) tent on saturday morning for a pick-me-up. He texted me to see if T or Chump wanted to come over, which they were just rousing so i headed over myself and a few brews in the cooler. I met them there and had a few bloody marys before walking around the haulers, checking out the exhibits. We cooled down in the sharpie tent where we advertised for TBE with black-light reactive Sharpies. We also got to see Kurt Busch at an appearance we stmubled upon at the nextel tent. JHo and i went back to his campground for a great lunch, then back to walking and drinking. we ended up back at the JD tent again, had a few drinks and tried to get some free stuff to no avail. Earlier in the day, I'd noticed they had "pictures with Clint Bowyer". They'd take a picture with you in front of a green screen and superimpose you later. It seems there weren't as many takers as they'd expected, because I noticed that when we hit the tent the second time, they had people getting pictures taken with some of the JD girls as well. I'd have to say that, on the whole, the JD girls are typically the best looking advertising girls at the bristol race. This year, Aaron's had the Aaron's Kittens, and they were pretty cute, as well as the Old Spice girls, but JD was best this year. That convinced me to get a picture. You might be able to tell, i was drunk, hot, and yeah, drunk. my face speaks volumes and i forgot my product placement, but putting my beer in front of the shirts we made the day earlier advertising TBE. Go click on that picture for the hi-res version. I look rockin', and send us your stories and pix NOW!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Time to go home

Well, Chump, T, and myself are on our way home from the race. I had a great weekend personally, despite the oppressive heat. We handed out loads of cards (hopefully you came here due to getting one), took loads of pictures, and met some cool people. I can't wait for the next race (might miss the spring because of work), but first, a few days to recouperate.

More posts and pictures will be up in the next few days. If you have any, send them our way so we can share them with other fans.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Food City 250

T and Slyght are in turn 3. Chump is in turn 1. The cars are doing
pace laps... let's get this started. By the way, if you have any pix
from your seats, send them to us, and we'll post them. Gree gree

Quick Update from the Busch Race

Here's the view from my seat.

Wednesday Night Truck Race

Hey everyone! Hope your race week is going as good as ours. Here's a pic from the truck race. My camera phone isn't the greatest. Many stories and pics to upload, but even more beer to drink. Gotta go. It's Bristol baby!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 2 update

Day 2 @ bristol has come to an end. We have a few updates. We watched the blue deuce win at michigan (thanks to timmy & big al for bringing their satelite.) we also survived an hour downpour by drinking lots more beer & taking group pictures. Z destroyed his $5oo phone - we are looking for a new one tomorrow. Then we met up with jho at earhart west for a nightcap. Its bedtime now. More to come. Be sure to leave us a comment when you stop by. Goodnight.

Monday, August 20, 2007

On the road

Slyght, Chump, and T are en route to Bristol for the NASCAR fall night
race. If it's your first time to the site, leave a message, let us
know that you stopped. We'd be glad to hear from you, and come try to
find us at Earhart East (hopefully).

Until we get there, we're attempting to listen to the rain-postponed
Michigan race on Sirius satellite radio. Ah, technology!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Snowiest Race EVER!


If you were there, this picture speaks for itself. If you weren't, you probably know about the infamous snow storm during Bristol week, spring '06. While it had snowed on and off all week, mother nature decided to really give it to us on Saturday. JHo took this picture outside BMS prior to the start of the Busch race. It sure was cold as hell, but we didn't let a little snow dampen our spirits. Just another notch in the Bristol week belt. I'm not 100% sure about this, but that race was the ONLY one I can ever remember being delayed due to snow... not just a Bristol race, but any major Nascar race.

Earhart Campground

Here's the link to Earhart Campground. Thought it my be a good addition to the links section.

I Hope This Doesn't Scare People Away But...

Yes, the master AND the apprentice will be at the Bristol fall celebration.

She Wanted My Bathrobe

It was the fall '07 race, and we went to a place called "The Sportsman's Club". T talked about it here (including bonus pic) since he was stuck at home, and we didn't have internet at the track. At the bar, we drank, played pool, got our asses generally handed to us by RogerDodger, and met Phyllis. Phyllis seems to be a local barfly, generally friendly and quite outgoing after she's had a beer or 20. I used to wear bathrobes quite religiously, starting in high school and continuing over to my years in college. Fully dressed, then put the robe on. I miss it, actually, so I brought a few to the race.

Phyllis wanted to trade my robe for her "mingos". Her "mingos" are her flamingo pajama pants she had on under her blue nylon pants. She wanted my robe BAD!! You can see here that she attempted to give me a lap dance to convince me to trade. She'd pulled her nylon pants down in the bar to show everyone. The bartender had to come over at one point and told her not to take her clothes off anymore or she was getting thrown out. It was funny. So, here, for your viewing pleasure... me being "seduced" because of my sexy robe.

The Best Bristol Song EVER!

Wagon Wheel by Old Crow and the Medicine Show

Here's a great song that makes me think of Bristol every time I hear it, for a couple of reasons...

1. It's got a great folkish-country sound that really reeks of the music we listen to during Bristol week. I listen to lot of different types of music, from classic rock to rap, but somehow country just seems a natural fit at Bristol.

2. Near the end of the song, theres a literal reference to Johnson City, Tennessee, which if you've ever been to Bristol, you know J.C., TN is 1/3 of the Tri-Cities (along with Kingsport - thanks to slyght for confirming that for me).

3. The night following the spring '07 Busch race, myself (Chump) and JHo happened to be the last ones awake (or at least still out-n-about) when our camping neighbors decided to play this song on loop over and over. By the seven or eighth time, as the song wound down and was about to end, we hear someone from somewhere yell (and this isn't an exact quote), "If you play that F***IN' song one more F***IN' time, I'm going to shove that CD down your F****IN' throat!"

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bristol Week is Almost Here!


Here's a great picture taken by slyght during the '07 Spring race. This is a shot of the crowd participation in turns 1 and 2 during the pre-race ceremonies. This picture really gets me PUMPED for another pending Bristol week!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Blogz, The Mythz, The Legendz

It all started in late April, 2005. I (slyght) was working in the oppressive heat and humidity of southeast India, and the going was slow. When work was like this, I'd try to hide in the A/C and catch up on the news and some of my favorite blogs. I'd been in India 3 months and there was no end in sight. I was away from friends and family, and I wanted them to be as miserable as I was... er, I mean, I wanted them to see the strange and funny things I was experiencing there, so I decided to start a blog to keep them up to date... and nomadic tendencies, or NT for short, was born. It went well, people commented, I became addicted to getting traffic, and my high school buddies now had a way to keep in touch.

Eight months later to the date, The B-Town Boyz blog was born. The idea behind the BTBz blog is long and varied, reaching further back, even, than NT. Since we are from Bellaire, OH, the term "B-Town" seems to have evolved into our vocabulary, and the "boyz" part seems to have come from our significant others who collectively called us "the boys". Around mid-'04, several of the BTBz made a trip from Columbus, OH (C-bus) to Myrtle Beach. They threw around the idea of making a pseudo-PTI (Pardon the Interruption) webpage to discuss sports, more than likely in a drunken fashion (hence the working title of "Please Excuse The Intoxication" (PETI). The idea never really materialized further, but was modified into a blog that was authored by our close knit group of friends who share a lot of things in common and know just about everything about each other.

Last year at the fall race in 06, the BTBz helped to promote NT by mostly-drunkenly distributing NT business cards to anyone who would take them willingly or otherwise (btw, sorry if you found them in some really strange places.) That sparked the idea to create a NT/BTB promo card to hand out at future events. Chump came up with the idea to not only create a NT/BTB business card, but to also create a separate blog devoted specifically to our Bristol week adventures.

That led to The Bristol Experience. We (most of the BTBz) go to both the spring and fall race (I make it when I'm available which is MOST of the time), and camp, drink, party, and have a great time the whole week leading up to the race. This blog was created so you could share in our stories, and we could share in yours. We hope you join us and as we all enjoy the perpetual 1/2 mile ride.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wake me when it's time to go to Bristol

Mobile blogger is also great for camera phones.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

How to Become An Affiliate

There are three levels to TBE access. First, there's basic user-level access. This is available to everybody and is limited to commenting on posts and submitting stories and pictures by email. The second level is CONTRIBUTOR. A TBE CONTRIBUTOR has more access and is permitted to submit unmonitored posts and has more control over their individualized content. CONTRIBUTOR access is available to everyone pending an application process. You can learn more about becoming a CONTRIBUTOR here.

The third level of TBE access is AFFILIATE. An AFFILIATE may or may not have more user access than a CONTRIBUTOR, but will be granted more privileges, specifically a promotional advantage. Typically an AFFILIATE has in some way contributed greatly to TBE development. Development contributions may include, but are not limited to, time investment, resource investment, and certainly monetary investment. The

There are a few ways to become an AFFILIATE.

The first and most basic way to become an AFFILIATE is to become a CONTRIBUTOR. After the probationary period, a CONTRIBUTOR in good standing may then apply to become an AFFILIATE. Any CONTRIBUTOR wishing to become an AFFILIATE must demonstrate a comitment to the developement of TBE and/or offer their time, services, expertise, etc... to aid in the advancement of TBE. To apply, contact us at with the subject TBE AFFILIATE Request. Include a detailed explanation of why you wish to become a TBE AFFILIATE and what your can commit to the developement and advancement of TBE. Upon review, AFFILIATE status will be granted or denied.

The second way to become an AFFILIATE is for any individual, group, organization, business, or commercial entity who wishes to contribute to TBE for promotion purposes on the site in exchange for money, goods, or services. If you would like to advertise on TBE, we will offer links and/or banner advertisements for content relevant to TBE and TBE users. The process for AFFILIATE application in this manner is exactly the same as above. Contact us at with the subject TBE AFFILIATE Request. Include a detailed explanation of why you wish to become a TBE AFFILIATE and what payment, goods, or services you can offer in exchange. Upon review, AFFILIATE status will be granted or denied.

If you have any additional questions or comments regarding an AFFILIATE application, contact us at

Getting the Word Out

I just wanted to let the concerned personnel know... I received the cards today with our websites on them. They look pretty good. Thanks to ChumpAssFool for getting those graphics together. Can't wait to make our trip down to the race.

Who We Are and What We're About

We are an easy-going, fun-loving, beer-drinking, red-blooded group of die-hard NASCAR fans from Ohio. We're mostly "city-boys" now, living around the Columbus area, but we all come from working-class, small-town America. We (Chumpassfool, Slyght, T, and J-HO of the BTownBoyz) all graduated from Bellaire High School in 1996, and have stayed great friends and racing buddies ever since.

We've been attending races since 1997 at tracks mostly around the eastern U.S... Darlington, Rockingham, Charlotte, Richmond, Michigan, and of course, BRISTOL, the grand-daddy of all short tracks!!! And now, twice a year we load up the old 24-foot 1975 Coachman (which is older than any of us) behind the Chevy van en-route to one of the two-best weeks of the year. We stake our claim early in the week and set up camp, crack open our beer, and settle in to what is sure to be another fun-filled, adventuresome Bristol experience. And let me assure you, we've never run out of our fair share of Bristol experiences!

I could go on and on about the great times with good friends that we share EVERY time we leave the world behind for our bi-annual pilgrimage to Tennessee's racing mecca. We've got countless stories and misadventures to share with similar good people. That's why we've created this blog. We love Bristol so much that we want to share our good times and Bristol experiences with everybody. And we want everybody to share their good times and Bristol experiences with us. We've created a forum so that all Bristol race fans can come and share their good times with everybody.

We invite you, each and every one who visits this site, to join in with us and share your unusual, crazy, or funny Bristol experiences with us. Please, feel welcome to send us your stories and pictures so that we all can share in the good times year round.

Monday, August 6, 2007

How to Become a Contributor

A standard user or viewer of The Bristol Experience may add comments to posts, either by name or anonymously. He or she may also submit stories or pictures to The Bristol Experience by following these directions.

A CONTRIBUTOR maintains these rights, but also has additional privileges such as official recognition on TBE, a permanent screenname, and the ability to freely author posts.

If you wish to become a CONTRIBUTOR to TBE, please set up a Blogger account if you do not already have one. Directions for setting up a free Blogger account can be found by clicking on the Blogger symbol in the very upper left corner of your browser window. Next submit a formal request to us at with the subject TBE Contributor Request explaining why you'd like to become a TBE author. TBE administrators will review your submission, and at the discretion of TBE administrators, will accept or deny your request and notify you by e-mail.

Your initial CONTRIBUTOR status will be limited to a probationary period of no greater than 90 days from the date of your request. During this probationary period, you will be required to strictly adhere to our Terms and Conditions as well as provide relevant posts. During the probationary period, TBE administrators reserve the right to reverse or revoke CONTRIBUTOR privileges without notice or explanation for anyone who does not meet our basic criteria. After the probationary period, TBE administrators will upgrade your CONTRIBUTOR status to full author access with less strict monitoring.

TBE administrators retain to right to revoke any CONTRIBUTOR's rights at any time for severe or repeated violations of TBE Terms and Conditions or to anybody who is deemed irrelevant, harmful, disrespectful, or intentionally malicious. Also, CONTRIBUTOR's rights may be revoked due to extended inactivity of more than 6 consecutive months. Remember, once you become a CONTRIBUTOR, this is no longer just OUR site, it is YOUR site too, and as such we expect you to maintain a certain level of respect as a representative of TBE.

Please do not be intimidated by these terms. We here at TBE wish every visitor the opportunity to participate in this site. We invite you to join us and hope you will consider becoming a CONTRIBUTOR and help our site become successful.

Terms and Conditions

We here at The Bristol Experience wish to promote a fun and friendly atmosphere. For this we must insist that you stick to a few basic rules.

1. All submitted material (stories or pictures) must adhere to a loose "PG-13" style format. By this, we request that you do not overuse or abuse adult language or context, which includes but is not limited to the unnecessary or over-use of "dirty words" or explicitly sexual content. That's not to say that we disallow it, but just try to keep it to a minimum. As a general rule-of-thumb, do not post/submit anything you would not want your 13-year-old son or daughter to read or see.

2. All user posts and comments are required to adhere to proper English, grammar and spelling. Of course the occasional typo and misspelling will be overlooked, but excessive mistakes must be kept to a minimum. Proper sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are strongly encouraged to promote a professional appearance. In addition, we discourage the use of excessive abbreviations and/or obscure references.

3. Slanderous, racial, sexist, or inappropriate material will not be tolerated. The Bristol Experience is not intended to offend or harm anyone, and for this we must insist that you do not submit any material with the purpose to offend or harm any person or group in any way.

4. TBE is not intended for unsolicited advertisement, spam, or any other unauthorized promotions or similar material. Any comment or post containing any of the aforementioned content will immediately be deleted and the user account will be flagged for inappropriate content. This rule is intended to eliminate unwanted solicitations and advertisements, and is not intended to dissuade an occasional acknowledgment to a relevant company, product, or service which may be of interest to the majority of TBE readers and user. To clarify, an example of a permissible promotion would be a link to your favorite Bristol-area restaurant. A link to 5 Free Ringtones would not be acceptable.

5. TBE administrators reserve the right to edit any and all submitted material which includes stories, commentary, and/or pictures for content, length/size, and appropriate content. The appropriateness of such content will be determined by TBE administrators and is absolute.

6. By posting, commenting, or submitting to The Bristol Experience, you are agreeing that you fully understand these terms and conditions and agree to adhere to them. If a user, reader, contributor, or poster decides to break these terms and conditions, action can be taken against said user, reader, contributor, or poster and can include but is not limited to written warnings, temporary bans, or indefinite suspensions.

7. If any user or reader of TBE does not agree with any or all content contained herein, please respect our right of free speech, and we'll respect your right to choose not to participate and/or view our site. Enough said.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Send Us Your Bristol Stories and Pics

This site was created so that all Bristol Race fans can share their experiences. This site will not succeed without YOU! That's why we need you to send us your Bristol stories and pictures.

For now, there is only one way for you to submit your stories and pictures. To submit a story or picture to us, simply e-mail it to our site at One of our authors will review your story and/or picture(s) then upload it to this site. You will then receive e-mail notification that the story and/or picture(s) have been received and added to the site with a link to your specific post. Depending on the response and number of submissions we receive, please allow up to two weeks for confirmation. (This is simply a rough estimate. The amount of submissions following a race weekend will directly affect the amount of time in which we can reply to your e-mail.)

When submitting a story, please be sure to adhere to our Terms and Conditions. Stories may be as lengthy or short as you want, but keep in mind that TBE Authors reserve the right to edit all stories for length and/or appropriate content.

When submitting a picture, please be sure to explain the picture. Let us know what is going on or why the picture is significant to you. Again, TBE Authors reserve the right to edit all pictures for size and content.

As with any submission, be sure to include your name (alias or screenname if you prefer) and where you're from. With pictures, include all parties involved if applicable. Be sure to let us know if you wish to remain anonymous.

Please do not send us any copyrighted material. We will not post any story or picture that does not belong to you.

IMPORTANT: By submitting any story or picture to The Bristol Experience, you agree to let us post and/or use the story or picture on The Bristol Experience and/or for any promotional uses for The Bristol Experience. We do not wish to obtain ownership over your stories or pictures, but we will freely use the material as we see reasonably fit.

TBE Phase 1 Complete

That's right, Phase 1 of TBE is officially complete. Phase 1 consisted of initial set-up and design. The current layout you see is the final version of TBE (although a few minor changes and tweeks may be added as necessary.)

We will now move on to Phase 2, which will mostly consist of the addition of relevant content. The aforementioned content will consist of, but is not limited to: How to Post Your Experiences and Pictures, How to Become a Contributor, Our Goal (or What We're About), The History of TBE, Legal Notices, and FAQ's. Once Phase 2 is completed, The Bristol Experience will officially be open for business.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

TBE Under Construction

The construction process for TBE continues today. If you currently frequent this blog (and why would you - there's only two or three people who know about it right now), you may notice some funky formatting or odd colors, backgrounds, etc... This is only temporary and a necessary step in re-designing the basic blog template provided by Blogger. Please be patient with us during this transition. Thank you.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A New Feature

Hi.  Just experimenting with some of the new blogger features that have been implemented for The Bristol Experience.  This particular post is being emailed to the blog site via yahoo mail.  With this new feature, we can add content to the site while we are at Bristol.

TBE Promo Cards are on Their Way

In a conjoined effort between myself, ChumpAssFool and slyght, we have designed and ordered the first official The Bristol Experience promotional business cards. One side is dedicated to The Bristol Experience, while the reverse is dedicated to the BTownBoyz and Nomadic Tendencies. These promo cards will be handed out during Bristol week so that we can attract all Bristol race fans to our site to share their experiences.

The Bristol Experience is Up and Running

Hello, and thanks for visiting The Bristol Experience. The site you see right now is currently undergoing construction, so expect major changes in the upcoming days. TBE v.1.0 has a tentative completion date of Sunday, August 19, 2007, just in time for another fun-filled Bristol week adventure. For now, if you have any questions or comments, email us at .

Thank you.