It took a while but, I've finally found an internet connection I can upload photos through. They've been uploaded and here are some highlights from my cam.
Here, BTVJGJHo gets buddy-buddy with Smoke. Aren't they so cute together?
Here I'm imitating Tony Stewart's Old Spice "monkey pose", as I call it. You can see why I call it that in this Old Spice commercial when Tony is being interviewed (0:20)... he looks like a monkey.
Here's some fellas JHo and I saw in the JD tent. I saw the Toyota shirt but didn't get it. I know a lot of NASCAR fans don't like Toyotas in the cup, but why was the Toyota symbol upside-down? I had to know, so I asked for a picture and an explanation. I got this pic, and was told he doesn't like Toyotas in the cup, and he didn't realize the symbol was upside-down, the shirt was free.
I saw this kid at "RaceDay" where NASCAR commentators and drivers get together and televise a show before the race. He was walking around in the crowd with this sign, and I HAD to get a pic, since i don't like gordon either. His mom or someone told me she wished he'd just get rid of it. I say, keep fighting the good fight.
here's T with his new friends, amy and scott, i believe, at the NNCS race.T, you have to upload that pick we sent to wake Russ up. The guy behind us wanted an 8"x10", so he might be checking daily for it. go, go, go.
And JHo, talk to Leslie about getting that pick of me under the 48. That was a good pic.
How was the hotdog?
the hot dog was great. you are too good a man for taking my drunken request seriously.
and thanks for being the only person to comment on the blog from our cards. rock on. see ya next time.
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