Thursday, August 2, 2007

TBE Under Construction

The construction process for TBE continues today. If you currently frequent this blog (and why would you - there's only two or three people who know about it right now), you may notice some funky formatting or odd colors, backgrounds, etc... This is only temporary and a necessary step in re-designing the basic blog template provided by Blogger. Please be patient with us during this transition. Thank you.


slyght said...

hmmm, we need to do something about the e-mail post font. it is bigger than the typical post font. i'm not sure where that is in the code. good luck HTML genius.

B Town Chump said...

Yeah, I'm aware of it, and have corrected it. It just took some time. I'm still working on the site. I'll let you know when the debugging should begin. I'm counting on you to check out the site and offer more suggestions.

slyght said...

The font thing looks better but the first post is crazy small. i had a similar issue when i started NT, but i forget how i fixed it since it was so long ago. i will try to look into it but no promises i can figure it out.